Turbo Copy Pro
Now Copy and Paste on Mac at Turbo Speeds with Turbo Copy Pro!
- Complete the features which are missing from Copy and Paste on your Mac
- Added Special XLogic to add Turbo speed boost while copying to Portable Drive.
- Warns and allow you to empty space if Portable disc is full
- Adds Pause / Resume option while copying large files
- Adds Merge/ Replace Directory function
- Easy to use and fully integrates into Mac Copy Paste Functions
- Life Time Free Updates
- Can Be installed on up-to 3 Macs
Turbo Copy Pro – The Best Program to Speed up Your Copy/Paste in Mac and to Have More Controls!
Copy-paste is one of those computer functions that quietly changed the world without getting too much attention. However, the default copy-paste in Mac can leave much to be desired.
Often, it can be too slow, especially when copying numerous files even if they are extremely small. The ability to pause/resume doesn’t work all the time as expected. And if a duplicate file is detected, it can be confusing for users to either replace them from original or merge them after renaming.
All such limitations have been solved by an excellent Mac compatible tool called “Turbo Copy Pro“. Developed by Gladwev Software, it’s an excellent tool that integrates with the OS X environment seamlessly, replacing the pre-installed default one and gives user a much better way to copy/paste files. The advanced functionality makes pasting any kind, size, or number of files a breeze inside your Mac ‘Finder.’
Here are the top Unique Features of “Turbo Copy Pro”
“Turbo Copy Pro” is not merely a refined application from the Mac default one. It was developed from the inside out to offer everything that’s needed to copy/paste files efficiently. The added special XLogic results in far better speed and more controls when moving data.
The features of “Turbo Copy Pro”
- It warns the users if the space in the disc you are copying the data to is full. It even warns in the middle, pauses the process, and allows you to clean up some space, and continue the copying where you left it.
- Gives you the option to pause and resume during the process
- Gives option to either merge (by renaming), replace, or skip the duplicate files easily.
- Extremely quick due to the dedicated logic used for making copies. It makes a significant difference especially when dealing with huge files or small files that are large in number.
Seamless Integration with Mac OS X Environment
“Turbo Copy Pro” seamlessly integrates with your Mac without any manual input from the user. After installing, it will automatically replace the default copy/paste function of Mac in the ‘Finder’. So, you can simply paste the data from the clipboard using the traditional command + V option.
However, if you wish to have an option to use both functions (default and Turbo Copy Pro), you can tweak the settings accordingly. You can keep the traditional ‘Command + V’ to use the Mac default function and set ‘CTRL + Command + V’ as the key for ‘Turbo Copy Pro.’ Best of both worlds.
Try “Turbo Copy Pro” and Notice How Easy and Effective It Can Be!
Want to confirm the difference it can make while copying/pasting data?
Good news is you can check out the free trial version before buying. You can later buy the license key to activate the full version. The licenses are available as ‘Single’, ‘Household’, or ‘Commercial.’
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